If College Involvement Looked Like Planets

Our Universe Check out the graphic and use your telescope to figure out where you fall on our planetary track of college involvement. The more involved you become, the closer to the center of your campus you are. Similarly to the sun, we’re afraid of getting too close sometimes. Check out some of our other […]

Taking a Time Out: The Importance of (Social) Staff Development

In my 10 years of supervising people in student affairs, the biggest lesson I can share would be to develop your staff. No matter my position, from RA to Associate Director, the value of connecting the staff socially made each team stronger and more efficient. For some of you, it may be a requirement; for others, you […]

Community + Politics = Communitics

Each time there is a presidential election, people’s values and politics naturally surface. When they do, conversations can quickly become arguments and differences of opinion can feel like you’re speaking a different language. Because of some very heated topics, this could mean alienating people and that’s just not okay on #TeamHuman. Here are some tips to learn […]

It’s October Already? Stay Cool, Your Community Has Your Back

How many of you have looked at the calendar and said, “When did October get here?” If you’re like me, it may have even happened multiple times a day since October 1st. Here are some things to remember in O-C-T-O-B-E-R. Offer to help your teammates when they need it. If you have time, offering some […]

21 Tips that will CHANGE your COLLEGE LIFE!

It’s a rainy but exciting day! It’s official; I am finally here. As my parents and I are unloading the car that holds of all my belongings, I am looking around at the place that I will call home for the next 5 years. I know this experience will definitely be worth it, even if […]

How “Better Together” Has Shaped My Journey

Better Together

Heart pounding, sun beaming down, thousands of faces rushing past you, and enormously tall skyscrapers looming overhead, welcome to New York City. Amidst the overcrowded city streets and fast moving traffic lights, I found myself simultaneously overwhelmed and excited. I had NO IDEA what to expect when I was hired to be an intern at Swift […]

How too many mixed up hands can produce a successful event

How too many mixed up hands can produce a successful event

This post was written by a student we worked with. Andi is a current student leader at the university of New Jersey City.  Andi’s area of focus is in Biology and is president of the Chemistry Club. Being the President of the Chemistry Club at New Jersey City University, I happened to notice that the events […]

10 Ways to Prep for College This Summer

Whether you are starting college this fall or you’re already a pro at being on campus, there’s nothing like the summer time to prep for the new year, in all the best ways. What would you add to this list? 1. First of all, have fun Above all, make sure you take some time to […]

What does your personality mean to you and your community?

What does your personality mean to you and your community

My sisters and I were recently sitting in a cafe, and I was discussing potential educational icebreakers that I could organize for the group of resident assistants that I will supervise this upcoming year.  A bunch of different icebreakers were brought up, but the two that stood out to me involved discovering the different personalities […]

Leadership is Not Always About Being Followed

Leadership is Not Always About Being Followed

During a short car ride home from the gym with my father, he started to share about what he had been thinking about during his workout. He shared that through his life experiences, he has learned that leadership is not always about making sure others are following you, but more about being willing to go […]