Yes And…Using Improv for Team Success

Last week, I went to the zoo… Suzie: Yes, and when I arrived, I could understand all the animals’ languages… Johnny: Yes, and I heard the giraffes talking smack about the turtles… Fred: Yes, and I found out that it was because the turtles played a prank on the giraffes… See where I’m going with this? Nope? […]

6 Ways to Make Meetings More Meaningful

The word “meeting” has taken on a boring, time-wasting, and generally negative connotation in recent times. We’re all busy people. Who really wants to sit around a table with people you barely know and talk logistics for an hour? The fact that most of us begin our meetings by staring at our phones can answer […]

It’s the Final Exit! – Healthy Skepticism

As we were climbing the stairs to leave the gym, I saw a sign near the floor pointing to the door that said, “Final Exit.” I thought to myself, “Well, that’s a bit dramatic. This is clearly not the last time I will exit this building, let alone anything ever. There’s still two more doors […]

Death Cafe NYC – #50MeetUps

Death Cafe

You might think I am weird, but I like to talk about death. Not in a creepy way. I am simply fascinated by the conversations around death and dying. In our #50MeetUps journey, my next stop was with the Death Cafe NYC Meet Up. This group is run by a Hospice Memory Artist and a Grief Specialist […]

Can I Be Real A Second? [Open Doors, Open Hearts Style]

Can I be real a second, For just a millisecond? -George Washington, Hamilton First, this post is a personal one, stemming from a core value here at Swift Kick, Open Doors, Open Hearts, so I hope you can relate. Second, yes, I am still obsessed with the Hamilton soundtrack. Now that we have that settled, I’d like […]

Why This 9 Letter Word is So Meaningful

When I came here, I was looking for a community. Then I realized I was helping to create one.” – OSU If you look at the word “community” what do you see? Here at Swift Kick, this amazing nine-letter word means so much. Take a look as we break down each letter to explain why […]

Tom was on TV About the Hugging World Record!

Roses are red, Violets are blue. Hugs are free, For me and you! On Thursday, November 3, we hosted Student Free Hugs Day.  Thank you to the College of DuPage for hosting the attempt at breaking a world record for the most number of hugs in one minute. It was an honor for Tom to […]

That’s a Wrap on Free Hugs Day 2016!

Another Free Hugs Day is in the books! Over 30,000 hugs were pledged with over 40 schools. Thank YOU, the Swift Kick community, for an amazing day. Check out some Free Hugs facts and videos from this years event: Swift Kick’s official video Bridgewater State University Texas Tech Want in on more fun? Keep an […]

Kicking Bullying to the Curb

Meet Addison Mallery! HI! My name is Addy Mallery, and I am a 19 year old sophomore student studying at Allegany College of Maryland.  I am currently in the early childhood education program, and will be graduating with my associates’ degree next spring. I will then be transferring to Frostburg State to get my Bachelors […]

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