Engaging “Neutrals” on Social Media

social media

If you’re reading this, you may also be a member of the Student Organization Leaders Facebook Group. (If you aren’t, do me a favor and request to join.) Our goal with this group is to create a place for people who have seen our Dance Floor Theory program or follow our work to continue the conversation […]

This Isn’t Just a Job: Leadership Beyond Move-In Weekend

Leadership Beyond Move-In Weekend

“This isn’t just a job. It’s a lifestyle. Not too long ago, you were applicants. Now, you are a staff. Soon, you’ll learn to work as a team. And one day, you will be a family.”  This lesson was always incorporated into training sessions I led with student leaders I supervised. As I go to different schools, I […]

QUIZ: What social media app represents your leadership style?

As a leader on your campus or in your community, you work daily to build the community and make it a great thing to be a part of. Each leader has a different way of bringing people together. It’s kind of like how all kinds of social media apps create communities in different ways…isn’t it? Take […]

Relating Dance Floor Theory to Pixar’s Inside Out

“Don’t be sad, get glad”. This is a common, everyday phrase that is often used when an individual is trying to cheer someone else up.   However, in Pixar’s Inside-Out there is an underlying message, since all the main characters of the movie are emotions. At the beginning of the movie, Joy, Madness, Disgust, and […]

3 Simple Ways to Turn Your Social Media into a Community

Social Media

We live in an online world, there’s no escaping it. I mean, one designer even created phone backgrounds for herself to remind her there’s a world past her relatively tiny screen. So we can’t talk about building community without acknowledging that social media plays a big role.  Now, we all know about the issues around […]

Dance Floor Theory on Facebook

Dance Floor Theory on Facebook

In Dance Floor Theory™ we outline four steps it takes for a student leader to move a group from a “bad dance” to a “good dance.” They are… Introduce Yourself Introduce People To Each Other Make Small Relevant Groups Get Out Of The Way As more schools and student groups build an online presence for […]

How Not To Promote Your Campus Event on Twitter [IMAGE]

I, along with 100s of other people, received a Tweet from the above Twitter account letting me know about an upcoming event happening at KSU. Here’s what’s wrong with it and why you shouldn’t do your marketing like this… Irrelevant – I don’t go to KSU. I’m nowhere near KSU. I don’t know anyone at […]


Blender Events

KLM leveraged Social Media to creatively engage their traveling customers with a pattern interrupt of happiness. Imagine if your campus had a Social Media Prize Patrol that would track students down via public tweets and deliver them a pattern interrupt of happiness. ** To learn more about Blender Events, click here. To learn more about our Dance Floor […]

Managing Our Social Media Stream – Part 1

social networking

Before I dig into the details, let me share two quick statements and five myths… Two Statements: This isn’t the only right way to manage a community’s social media activity, it’s just our way that works for us. You’ll have to discover what works best for your community. In six months, some of our tactics […]

Yesterday in #StudentAffairs (08/07/11)

Blogs: Facebook friending your students in Missouri is about to be illegal. (via Brian LeDuc) What would you put on a Residential Dream Sheet? Here’s John Gardner’s list. (via Brain Root) Facebook, StumbleUpon, then Twitter. StatCounter ranks the top social media sites in the UK for last month. (via Brain Gallager) Who do you think […]

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