Self-Doubt in Student Leaders: Ways to Overcome Insecurity and Encourage Yourself

Students entering college face a transformative period in their lives. Going to university is many students’ first experience with completely independent everyday decision-making. Aside from going to class and making sure to eat, students are also facing enormously important internal hurdles. They are asking themselves questions about their values, their futures, and their identities. During this process, some […]
Top 7 Classroom Tips – Of Course I want an A!

Tom, Melissa, and Sabina wrote a book about college students and how to succeed. I wish I had this book when I started college. There are so many great tips to learn from it. Today, let’s highlight the top 7 classroom tips on how to succeed academically. Tip #1: Making friends in class It is […]
Pay Attention, Ask For Help, Set Your Soul on Fire – Leadership Tips

Each month Swift Kick will be highlighting a member in our community who shows extraordinary Leadership within their own community. In the month of February, we decided to conduct a Q&A with Tony Williams. He is a dedicated Community Assistant, the Social Diversity Chair for Association of Campus Events, and the Membership Chair for KU Presidential […]
My Journey: How I Became a Hall Director

Res Life at KU – where my journey began College is where we find ourselves and discover what we want to do in life When entering Kutztown, I decided I wanted to be a Special Education Teacher. After the first year and going into my sophomore year, I switched to Communication and eventually picked up […]
Kicking Bullying to the Curb

Meet Addison Mallery! HI! My name is Addy Mallery, and I am a 19 year old sophomore student studying at Allegany College of Maryland. I am currently in the early childhood education program, and will be graduating with my associates’ degree next spring. I will then be transferring to Frostburg State to get my Bachelors […]
It’s October Already? Stay Cool, Your Community Has Your Back

How many of you have looked at the calendar and said, “When did October get here?” If you’re like me, it may have even happened multiple times a day since October 1st. Here are some things to remember in O-C-T-O-B-E-R. Offer to help your teammates when they need it. If you have time, offering some […]
Leadership is Not Always About Being Followed

During a short car ride home from the gym with my father, he started to share about what he had been thinking about during his workout. He shared that through his life experiences, he has learned that leadership is not always about making sure others are following you, but more about being willing to go […]
Avoid the “School, & Work, & Leadership Activities…Oh My!!!” Mentality When Confronting Stress

If you’re watching the weather, you know that many parts of the United States are awaiting the arrival of an epic snow storm, but this storming is nothing in comparison to the storming the spring semester stress can cause on a college campus. It’s that time of year again! The Fall semester is over but […]
Spaghetti and Meatballs with a Side of Trust

Why have a lazy weekend when you can experience the opportunities of growth, trust, and respect through meatballs? Yes, I said meatballs! More specifically, a spaghetti and meatball dinner. This weekend, I opened my apartment to my eight resident assistants and my fellow graduate resident director for a spaghetti dinner, and the outcome was amazing! […]
To All the “Student Leaders” Who Never Asked for the Title

We spend a lot of time picturing the quintessential “student leader” – frenzied, wide eyed, hyper, loves ice breakers, does about a thousand and one activities. The poster child of the school. The “they are GOING places, unless they burn out, knock on wood” students. But what about everyone else? What about the student leaders […]