Confusion is Good: Create Weird Moments to Increase Team Morale

In NYC, there are plenty of opportunities to be confused. Whether it be a Naked Cowboy – an NYC staple – or a reminder to Love Allways. [As a member of the grammar and spelling police, the latter example quickly captured my attention.] Strikingly, these opportunities for confusing are also a way to engage all those who […]

Making Meetings Matter – Our 5 Favorite Meeting Activities

“Welcome to this week’s meeting. I would like to begin by doing an icebreaker.” *Audible groan and visible slouching in seats.* Meetings. Nearly every professional has them, some dread them, most do them wrong. Below, you will see our top 5 favorite icebreakers meeting activities to lighten the mood and build community on your team […]

Finding A Little Free Library – Sharing Books with Strangers

It’s not every day that a bench appears on a suburban corner, out of nowhere. Even less often, that bench is accompanied by a mysterious metal box full of books. Yet, that is exactly what I noticed while driving through the town I grew up in a few weeks ago. Right there, across the street […]

Why You Need to Host a Blender Event (Before Your Next Big Event)

Blender Events

How many times have you run around passing out fliers to only have 5 people at your event? Have you spent hours crafting Facebook events, emails and Tweets to only get 2 likes and one person who shows up from social media? How many times have you thought, “There has to be a better way!”? […]

Tom was on TV About the Hugging World Record!

Roses are red, Violets are blue. Hugs are free, For me and you! On Thursday, November 3, we hosted Student Free Hugs Day.  Thank you to the College of DuPage for hosting the attempt at breaking a world record for the most number of hugs in one minute. It was an honor for Tom to […]

That’s a Wrap on Free Hugs Day 2016!

Another Free Hugs Day is in the books! Over 30,000 hugs were pledged with over 40 schools. Thank YOU, the Swift Kick community, for an amazing day. Check out some Free Hugs facts and videos from this years event: Swift Kick’s official video Bridgewater State University Texas Tech Want in on more fun? Keep an […]

4 Excuses You Can’t Use for Not Participating in Free Hugs Day

Are you ready for Free Hugs Day?! Many of you will be nodding your heads saying, “YES! LET ‘S DO THIS!” Others might not have a clue. And yet, others (and this post is for you) might be making excuses as to why you can’t run a Free Hugs Day on your campus. Here are some […]

3 Types of Hugs for 3 Types of Moments


Every now and then I like to dwell think about my pageant days. Not because I am vain, but because if selected to represent New Jersey at Miss America, I think I would have done a darn good job. That moment would have changed my life forever. Who knows if I would even be writing […]

5 Adjectives to Describe Random Acts of Kindness Day 2016 #RAK16

It’s Random Acts of Kindness Day! You knew that though, since we haven’t shut up about it. As always, we drafted up a half-time post for you so you could see the good stuff for yourself. Without further ado, 5 adjectives to describe #RAK16 so far: Contagious #RAK16 – I had someone read my RAK […]

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