Confusion is Good: Create Weird Moments to Increase Team Morale

In NYC, there are plenty of opportunities to be confused. Whether it be a Naked Cowboy – an NYC staple – or a reminder to Love Allways. [As a member of the grammar and spelling police, the latter example quickly captured my attention.] Strikingly, these opportunities for confusing are also a way to engage all those who […]
Using the Consistency Principle to Nudge Someone into Participating

Leading up to the national elections last year, I received a series of text messages on my phone. Most of the texts were informational regarding polling locations and deadlines. One text, that came the day prior to election day, caught my eye because it asked me if I was planning to vote tomorrow and asked […]
Making Meetings Matter – Our 5 Favorite Meeting Activities

“Welcome to this week’s meeting. I would like to begin by doing an icebreaker.” *Audible groan and visible slouching in seats.* Meetings. Nearly every professional has them, some dread them, most do them wrong. Below, you will see our top 5 favorite icebreakers meeting activities to lighten the mood and build community on your team […]
How the Dictionary, and 6 Famous People, Define Community

According to, one of the definitions of the word community is “similar character; agreement; identity.” Here at Swift Kick, we believe that people become better versions of themselves when they are connected to a strong community. We aren’t the only ones who feel this way…#TeamHuman Which one of these quotes best describes your community? […]
Random Acts of Kindness You Can Do Anywhere

T-9 days until Random Acts of Kindness Day, and we can’t wait! We know it can be tough to think of new ways to be kind to people. To help you plan your R.A.K.s, here’s a list of things you can do…anywhere! Kindness for your team: Leave compliments for each team member to find before your next […]
Pay Attention, Ask For Help, Set Your Soul on Fire – Leadership Tips

Each month Swift Kick will be highlighting a member in our community who shows extraordinary Leadership within their own community. In the month of February, we decided to conduct a Q&A with Tony Williams. He is a dedicated Community Assistant, the Social Diversity Chair for Association of Campus Events, and the Membership Chair for KU Presidential […]
Yes And…Using Improv for Team Success

Last week, I went to the zoo… Suzie: Yes, and when I arrived, I could understand all the animals’ languages… Johnny: Yes, and I heard the giraffes talking smack about the turtles… Fred: Yes, and I found out that it was because the turtles played a prank on the giraffes… See where I’m going with this? Nope? […]
6 Ways to Make Meetings More Meaningful

The word “meeting” has taken on a boring, time-wasting, and generally negative connotation in recent times. We’re all busy people. Who really wants to sit around a table with people you barely know and talk logistics for an hour? The fact that most of us begin our meetings by staring at our phones can answer […]
It’s the Final Exit! – Healthy Skepticism

As we were climbing the stairs to leave the gym, I saw a sign near the floor pointing to the door that said, “Final Exit.” I thought to myself, “Well, that’s a bit dramatic. This is clearly not the last time I will exit this building, let alone anything ever. There’s still two more doors […]
Can I Be Real A Second? [Open Doors, Open Hearts Style]

Can I be real a second, For just a millisecond? -George Washington, Hamilton First, this post is a personal one, stemming from a core value here at Swift Kick, Open Doors, Open Hearts, so I hope you can relate. Second, yes, I am still obsessed with the Hamilton soundtrack. Now that we have that settled, I’d like […]