Asking TO Help Instead of Only Asking FOR Help (and Why It Matters)

Recently, a friend told me a story about the unexpected joy she received one day while she was out running errands. She wanted to stay anonymous, so we will call her Charity. One afternoon at work, Charity left the office to take care of some shopping for work. It was a lovely day, and she […]
Q4 Retreat: How to Build Your Own Swift Kick

September 18, 2017 set the date for yet another amazing Swift Kick team retreat day for the beginning of Q4! This quarter brought forth even more amazing and crazy memories from the Swift Kick family that I will happily share with you. For this quarterly retreat, the theme that Sabina and Melissa had devised was […]
Why Core Values are Important

Here at Swift Kick, we follow 5 main Core Values. These values are brought up each week at various times. I even find myself using them outside of work! It is nice to have Core Values within your organizations to follow because you can keep each other accountable. The 5 Core Values that Swift Kick […]
Pay Attention, Ask For Help, Set Your Soul on Fire – Leadership Tips

Each month Swift Kick will be highlighting a member in our community who shows extraordinary Leadership within their own community. In the month of February, we decided to conduct a Q&A with Tony Williams. He is a dedicated Community Assistant, the Social Diversity Chair for Association of Campus Events, and the Membership Chair for KU Presidential […]
A Strong Community and a Hard-Earned College Degree – Sami’s Story Pt. 2

I know this post is longer than normal, but it’s my story. It is my fears, failures, and successes all written out for the world to see. So please, bear with me as I explain my life and how anyone can succeed in anything they want to. All you have to do is work hard, […]
“You Won’t Go to College” – Sami’s Story Pt. 1

I have debated on writing this post for a while now. I am proud of my accomplishment, but I wasn’t sure if I was ready to share my story with those outside of my life. Then I realized that this community has become my online family. I love writing posts for everyone here to read, […]
Can I Be Real A Second? [Open Doors, Open Hearts Style]

Can I be real a second, For just a millisecond? -George Washington, Hamilton First, this post is a personal one, stemming from a core value here at Swift Kick, Open Doors, Open Hearts, so I hope you can relate. Second, yes, I am still obsessed with the Hamilton soundtrack. Now that we have that settled, I’d like […]
Why This 9 Letter Word is So Meaningful

When I came here, I was looking for a community. Then I realized I was helping to create one.” – OSU If you look at the word “community” what do you see? Here at Swift Kick, this amazing nine-letter word means so much. Take a look as we break down each letter to explain why […]
Love All Ways – An End of the Year Reflection

As I walked by the sign, I read the words, processed it, but it took about ten steps (NYC steps, so 0.7 seconds) to interpret it. Love All Ways. Not a misspelling. Two directives that mean so much. While walking down 57th Street to get to the bootcamp class I teach, what I expected to be […]
Kicking Bullying to the Curb

Meet Addison Mallery! HI! My name is Addy Mallery, and I am a 19 year old sophomore student studying at Allegany College of Maryland. I am currently in the early childhood education program, and will be graduating with my associates’ degree next spring. I will then be transferring to Frostburg State to get my Bachelors […]