Spaghetti and Meatballs with a Side of Trust

Why have a lazy weekend when you can experience the opportunities of growth, trust, and respect through meatballs?  Yes, I said meatballs!  More specifically, a spaghetti and meatball dinner. This weekend, I opened my apartment to my eight resident assistants and my fellow graduate resident director for a spaghetti dinner, and the outcome was amazing! […]

How Losing Your Dogs Can Build A Community

This past weekend I stepped away from being a campus leader for a day, and was able to make it to a family party nearby. It was my brother and his wife’s housewarming party. I was so excited! I was about to check out their new house, hang out with family members, play with my […]

School is Here- Where’s the Enthusiasm?

The beginning of the school year is always the same. You see first years with a weird mix of nervousness and excitement, and upperclassmen with little to no energy. You’ll walk into a classroom and see the split right away. The first years are sitting in the front row and have all the school supplies […]

Playing to Win Can Get You Coffee

Playing to Win Can Get You Coffee

I woke up this morning in my usual haze, unsure of what was happening or what I needed to do. There’s only a few fixes to this problem, but my favorite is coffee. I leave my building, and silently praise whoever decided to put a Dunkin Donut’s directly next to my apartment. There’s always a […]

Free Intelligent Conversation – Another Genius Blender Event Idea

A friend of ours sent us a link to this Kickstarter campaign to help 13 college students tour the Northeast US with “Free Intelligent Conversation” signs, much like the Free Hugs day. They feel that everyone is intelligent in their own way based on their experiences, and everyone deserves to share this intelligence. They look […]

4 Simple Ways This Groovin’ Blender Event At Baldwin Wallace Is Perfect

First, check out this video. Basically, students at Baldwin Wallace got two pieces of fence and a boombox and stood at various places around campus, giving passersby a chance to go between the fences and dance for a couple seconds. They then got a flyer that gave them a discount code for registration for the […]

Top 3 Unexpected #FreeHugs Day Trends

Students and Kutztown with their school President

WOW, the day isn’t even over and so many of you have given out so many hugs already! Over the weekend, we will be posting the official numbers, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, we noticed some crazy cool trends being posted to social media. 1. Administrators and faculty getting involved Sherrod Williams […]

Creating a Journey [BLENDER EVENT]

Creating a Journey

Car-Class-Car students are a known thing on commuter college campuses. Meaning, they go from their car, to their class, and back to their car again. In terms of outside-the-classroom engagement, this group tends to be the hardest to connect with. Watching the video below gave me the idea of what if you turned the CCC […]

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