5 Schools Remembering September 11th Today

5 Schools Remembering September 11th Today

It’s a day of reflection and a day of great pain for all of us. It is also a day for us to come together as a family, like these campuses did today, to show love and support.

1. Marquette University

Memorial Ceremony on campus at Marquette. Look at all of the students who came out to remember! Check out the comments on the image from ROTC members.


2. Fordham University 

Fordham Campus ministry, in partnership with the religious clubs on campus, is hosting an interfaith prayer service this evening so all faiths can come together in love and remembrance.

3. King’s College

2977 flags in the lobby of the school to commemorate the 2977 lives lost, as a place for reflection for students

4. New York Institute of Technology

Dedicated by the SGA of the school, a beautiful fixture on campus.

5. St. Lawrence University

College Republicans and College Democrats at SLU came together overnight to place 3,000 flags on campus to remember 9/11. That is beautiful!

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