10 Ways to Prep for College This Summer

Whether you are starting college this fall or you’re already a pro at being on campus, there’s nothing like the summer time to prep for the new year, in all the best ways. What would you add to this list?

1. First of all, have fun

Above all, make sure you take some time to rest up, chill out, and have a blast. The academic year is full of stress and activities, so it’s super important to give yourself some kind of real vacation. You will go back in the fall feeling refreshed!

2. Pick up a book you WANT to read

I don’t know about you, but college totally killed my motivation to read for fun. I felt so guilty if I wasn’t reading the textbooks I should have been reading, I wouldn’t pick up a tasty bit of fiction, even though I am quite the bookworm. Use the summer to curl up with a stack of books and head to the beach, the park, or your own backyard. Lemonade and a bowl of cherries is highly recommended reading companions.

3. Learn a new skill

Just like #2, it’s hard during the school year to focus on learning something for fun because you are too busy striving for straight A’s. Pick up a guitar, finally master the cartwheel, or try painting. Whatever you choose, you’ll feel accomplished and fulfilled when you show off your sweet new skills to your roommate.

4. Join groups online and connect with potential new friends on campus

Facebook is a great place to search for your Class of 20whatever group and get chatting with someone you may not have met yet. I am still friends with a girl I met on Facebook before we even stepped foot on campus our freshman year! What better way to prep for college than to make sure you have awesome people to hang out with?

5. Craft or make art for your room at school

Picture collage of your silliest faces with your sister? Something inspirational and colorful? Making something beautiful is not only relaxing, but it will brighten your room in your residence hall all year long. You could even get a tshirt blanket to show off your college spirit when you return!

6. Write a letter to yourself, to open at the end of the year

What do you want to accomplish by May? What are you worried about now that you hope will be resolved by then? What are you looking forward to? Write it all down so that at the end of the year, you can see how you were feeling at this moment, and how far you have come.

7. Research your school’s history

Is your campus full of ghosts? Did something epic happen in the same halls you’ll walk every day? Bolster your school spirit with a little history project and then share the stories you find.

8. Compile a bucket list for the year!

I bet there’s buildings and rooms you’re dying to explore. Or maybe you want to venture into the closest city. Good grades? Check. Meet the school’s president? Check. Snap a selfie with the mascot? Check!

9. Stock up on school supplies

It may not be fun to think about going back to classes, but if you have some great notebooks and a planner, you’ll feel more prepared and motivated.

10. Set up a way to keep in touch with your friends from home

It’s so hard to stay connected to your friends that you grew up with once you all get involved at your own schools. But there’s little ways to never lose touch. Try a weekly video chat with your crew, or promising your best friend that you’ll text one thing that happened each day at night before bed.

Once summer is over, keep the college prep going all year with our shiny new book First Year Student to First Year Success. Maybe it’s one of those coveted school supplies to check off #9 above. 😉


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