The 2014 Granny Kicks Holiday Letter From Swift Kick

2014 Granny Kicks

Every year, Granny Kicks stops by the office to help us draft our annual holiday letter that goes out, along with a bunch of other goodies, to all the schools we worked with throughout the year. Because Granny Kicks has the ability to write holiday letters like no other, we thought it would be fun it to share her letter with everyone. Without further ado, here’s the 2014 Granny Kicks Holiday Letter.

“Oh Mylanta! I can’t believe it’s already been a whole dang year since my last year-end letter to everyone. A lot sure has happened since we spoke, so I’ll do my best to catch you up, but my memory isn’t the young whippersnapper it used to be back in the good ol’ days of Walter Cronkite and The Monster Mash.

Let’s start with my adorable grandson Tom-E-Tom. I made him the most amazing Peanut Butter and Blackberry pie, but he said this was his busiest travel year ever and didn’t have time to stop by because he spoke at over 60 schools and conferences this year. He’s such a dingbat ‘cause I know how much he loves his peanut butter! Such a busy boy, but me and Grandpa are so proud of him and all the student lives he’s impacting with his Dance Floor Theory program. Which reminds me, I’ve been taking these Zumba classes that are such a hoot!

My warsher was in overdrive cleaning clothes this year as we welcomed four more grandkids to the family, or as Tom-E-Tom likes to call them…Interns; Megan, Dustin, Jeremy and Nathalia. With so many bodies running around, our house felt like a lovely jamboree of pretzels.

Meggers told me about this one time she was struck by lightening and Dustin walks around telling everyone he’s a self proclaimed Higher Ed Geek. I worry about him, but I do love listening to his voice on The Student Affairs Spectacular Podcast every Tuesday. Jeremy was with us the shortest, he didn’t die or anything, but I have my suspicions that the other grandkids drove him a bit crazy. And then there was Nat Attack. She’s from Brazil, so I only understand about 40% of the words coming out of her mouth. I was instructed by Tom-E-Tom and Sabina to just smile and nod at her. Seems to be working, bless their hearts.

Speaking of my lovely Sabs, this year she became a full time member of the Swift Kick family and is busier than ever. Her role as community manager for (which turned nine years old) and (which turned one year old) has her saying words like Tweet, Poke and Pin around the dinner table. To each their own I guess. I don’t know how my baby girl can be on full speed all the time. Guessing she doesn’t watch as many Dallas reruns as I do.

And lastly, cousin Jay stopped by to help me revamp my website He also launched our new Student Affairs Member Directory and Jobs Board. Is there anything that boywonder can’t do?!?

Well, that just about caps the applesauce for the year. Granny Kicks is so proud of all her babies. We’re also thankful to include you as part of our family too as we’d never be the family we are without your support. Let’s make it a splendid 2015 that’s finer than a frog’s hair split four ways!”

– Love Granny Kicks

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