APML and Education

APML and Education

A pretty little video:

DataPortability – Connect, Control, Share, Remix from Smashcut Media on Vimeo**.

At the moment this is a highly fringe technology conversation – solving a problem of only the most involved and finicky mobile networkers.

The idea of data portability is great – though the current challenge is twofold: you can’t get your data out, and if you did, you can’t plug it in.

The hope is that all this will change.

We will be adopting OpenID, APML, and open social** with the 1.1 release of Red Rover coming out in May. We will be doing our part to encourage portability, playing nice, context control, and plug and playing for education.

Plus APML is a pretty cool concept and direction. It’s still a chicken and egg problem, if we build the profile for students, they need someplace to plug it in, but we have to start somewhere.

I’m very excited to apply attention profiling to education and the relationship/relevancy** challenge.

** Link Broken as of May/2020

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