Building Trust at an Event

This May, Swift Kick decided to do our first speaker training bootcamp which we titled “Speak Easy.” In a jam-packed day from 8:30am-6pm speakers, executives and anyone interested in learning came to LMHQ to learn how to be a better speaker. There were many components to making the day successful. One of the most important parts was trust. Here are some ways to start building trust at your event.

1. Communicate Before the Event:

Before people even set foot in LMHQ, we began building trust via email communication. Two days before the event, participants were given a password that they needed to use to get in. True to theme in the 1920’s, every speak easy had a password that patrons needed to use in order to gain entrance. This email also included specific directions to the venue and what they should bring with them. Not only was this detail a fun surprise, but it helped them know what to expect.

“To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.”

– George MacDonald

2. Unique Name Tags:

When people entered the space they were given a mocktail and a name tag. Each name tag had a different fun question on it for them to fill out. These questions and answers sparked conversation so people were talking with strangers and engaging.

3. Organized Material:

Once people trusted us as hosts, and the people around them, they then trusted the material we were delivering. Tom had many helpful tips to help these speakers engage their audiences more. We provided an organized handbook and Powerpoint, and allowed members of the “Speak Easy” to get up and share some speeches for feedback.

4. Change energy state after lunch:

After several hours of very helpful information the guests were given lunch followed by a secret surprise guest….North Coast! North Coast is a fabulous group of hip hop improvisers who led us through a series of improv games that connected with the message and content of the day. Getting up and playing improv games changed our energy state. Otherwise, we might fall into the after-lunch slump. Improv can be scary, but as a group we all let our guard down, trusted our teams, and gave ourselves to be silly and fail! We like improv so much to build trust on teams that we even did it at one of our own company retreats.

According to Forbe,s “58 percent of people say they trust strangers more than their own boss.” Naturally then, in a matter of hours, everyone was getting up sharing content and rapping in front of complete strangers. This level of trust and commitment started from the minute they walked in the door. Not only did the members of the Speak Easy have a great time, enjoy some delicious on theme food, drinks and decor, but they learned some fabulous content. The biggest thing someone can ever learn, after all, to trust in themselves enough to try and fail.

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