Coca Cola is Dance Floor Theory Gold

Coca Cola is Dance Floor Theory Gold

A few months back, the marketing world got excited over Coke’s new campaign: The Coca Cola Friendly Twist.

Watch the video, it’s kind of awesome

I saw this, and as a marketing fanatic, I shared it on my Facebook wall, tagging our very own Tom because it reminded me so much of what he talks about in his Dance Floor Theory programs.

Here’s what he had to say in the comments:

1) Pattern interrupt? Yes
2) Positive Confusion? Yes
3) Connecting People Together? Yes

It’s a DFT winner to me! 

Let’s take a closer look at each point.

  1. Pattern interrupt: You have to get people’s attention by standing out, by creating a situation that isn’t normal or within our daily pattern. Nobody expects to get a Coke from a machine and have to ask someone else to help them open it. It’s surprising!
  2. Positive confusion: Remember, like we say with Free Hugs – confusing, not scaring. The confusion that opening one of these Cokes leads to is good because it encourages making a new friend.
  3. Connecting People Together: As leaders, we need to think of creative ways to get people to actually connect, not just learn a name and forget them immediately. Sharing a memory like in this ad would definitely create a deeper connection of some kind.

What do you think? Love it or think it’s silly? I love it 😛

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