How to Host an Alice in Wonderland Themed Retreat

On Friday, the Swift Kick team got together to plan the first quarter of 2017. It was extra special because we got to meet Dee for the first time! Melissa and I have been planning this retreat for a while now, so we are so happy that our Alice in Wonderland day turned out perfectly.

Step 1: Decorate and set up snacks.

Shall we tea first?

Step 2: Welcome the team down the rabbit hole.

You couldn’t enter the retreat room till you took your juice shot to shrink to fit through the door!

Step 3: Build a Mad Hatter hat with objects that represent the team.

Each team member brought something to decorate the hat with that best described themselves.

Step 4: Paint the roses red for each section of the company overview. (Or it’s off with your head!)

Step 5: Get all the serious work done.

Yes, we taped Tom’s phone to the wall so we could Facebook Live our planning session

Step 6: Have dinner at Alice’s Tea Cup, naturally.

No caption necessary

The team
It was almost a cute picture of Mama Sabs and Sami

Step 7: Attempt to Escape the Room, themed Alice, of course.

Ta-da! We had a blast on Friday and are all set for a great quarter.

Check out more retreat inspo from last quarter’s Willy Wonka retreat!

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