It’s that time of year again; yep, you guessed it — Massachusetts Maple Month! But more importantly, it’s internship application time. And we want you to join our team from July – December 2015!
So what does it mean to start Swift Kickin’ it with us?
Check out this snapshot of the application:
Your Mission (if you choose to accept it):
- Smile and be awesome, in the face of chaos you’ll remain cool as a cat.
- Be a direct part of many ongoing and one-time projects from the team.
- Be in charge of specific weekly/monthly metrics of success.
- Love improving and updating our various internal systems (Google Drive, Excel, Salesforce, Mailchimp, etc).
- Grease the daily, weekly, and monthly ongoing operations of the company to ensure we are green and growing…and most importantly on track.
- Within a single day, be willing to make copies one moment, to building financial models the next.
- Sign up 100 groups for our national Fall Blender Event (Free Hugs Day).
- Grow the weekly Student Leader chat on Twitter (#SLchat) to 100 participants per week.
- Increase the pageviews of The Student Leader Collective to 1500/month.
Want to be a part of this crazy cool company? Go to the application.
Still not convinced? Take a look at this post our 2014 intern Nat wrote about her experiences as a Swift Kick intern.

We hope to hear from you soon 🙂