It isn’t work work work work work work if it’s fun!

It isn’t work work work work work work if it’s fun!

Rihanna says it right when she says “work, work, work, work, work, work.”

I have noticed as I get older that it is very easy for people to get caught up with their job. Having to get a report in on time, trying to make a sale, or having a good outcome to a meeting seems to be all some people are thinking about during the weekdays.

Are you having fun, though? I understand that not all parts of your job can be fun, but do you enjoy what you are doing? It is important that individuals really enjoy what they do, because then, they tend to put more energy into what they are doing.

How can you tell if you truly enjoy what you do?:

1. The environment

Whether the environment is a hustling, relaxing, fast pace, or slow pace, does it mix well with your personality?

2. Your work community

Do you collaborate well together? Are you a team? Have you successfully achieved goals together?

3. The outcomes of your actions

Do you see the outcomes you want from what your team does?

If you answered yes to these questions that’s great, but go deeper and try to remember what made you want to go into your role. You can go even deeper than this and start to think about future goals you would like to see yourself and your team achieve.

If you answered no, maybe think about your passions in life and where they would align with another environment better.

When you are not enjoying the environment, community, or outcomes of your role on a regular basis, you are probably not putting tons of energy into a job that may be disappointing you too often.

Find the passion that drives you within your work experience and never let it go, because that is what helps to make your experience an enjoyable one!

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