Little Letters – Jake’s Internship Farewell

Dear Swift Kick Team,

It feels only appropriate that my final reflection would come in the form of some little letters. To think, applying for this internship was a only a few months out of the year. It feels like this experience has stretched so much longer than just Quarter 3 and Quarter 4. Thank you for making me feel like an important member of this company and this family.

I’ve learned so much from each of you and in typical Wizard of Oz fashion, I’m going to tell each of you why you’re so important to me. The team as a whole is a real life demonstration of what support and “Raising the Tide” looks like in action. I’ll never forget my Swift Kick company morals, partly because it’s in a little packet! Wherever life takes me, I know I have friends, family, colleagues, whatever you want to call it, for the rest of my life.

Dear Sami,

Thanks for being my intern soulmate. Without the New York subway system to confuse us, I’m not sure we would be as close as we are today. Your energy is both contagious and positive. You’ll accomplish great things in Student Affairs and I’m excited to grow and take on this journey together! Your staff is lucky to have such a kind and loving person as their supervisor. You’re the bee’s knees and a good friend.

Dear Jay,

I appreciate our one on one conversations and projects. I’m not sure if anyone cleans up loose ends like you’re capable of doing. There’s nothing you can’t fix, and it’s flat out incredible. You are the backbone of this team, and it was a pleasure connecting and working with you from July until now. Thank you for asking the best questions and demonstrating what true attention to detail looks like.

Dear Melissa,

I’m not sure I can properly thank you for everything we went through from July until now. Your support was unwavering, and you took me under your wing. You were never too busy to help with anything and provided guidance in all aspects of my life. I can’t thank you enough for being a great role model and friend. You’re an outstanding leader and I believe you have a bright future. I hope “impossible” isn’t in your dictionary because the stars are the limit for someone with your work ethic and skill set. See you at the gym sometime soon.

Dear Sabina,

There aren’t enough ways I can say thank you for being exactly who you are. You’ve gone above and beyond to help make my experience and time with Swift Kick memorable. You are such an important part of our success as a team. You constantly make me feel like I’m capable of anything. Thank you for all of the fun one on ones and an internship to remember. You’re an incredible human being with a pure heart.

Dear Tom,

I still remember how you made me feel sitting in your audience at NODA all those weeks ago. You told us to think about our “why behind our why” and it has reformed how I think about EVERYTHING. You have a unique and powerful mind capable of so much. You’re the leader this company needs to connect with every student on every campus. Thank you for being an outstanding role model and someone I aim to emulate in my own career. You taught me tools that I can use and bring with me on my Higher Ed adventure.

This internship has been everything I wanted and more. I can’t express my gratitude enough when I speak about the individuals that make this company a real family. It’s with a heavy heart that I say goodbye, but I’m truly excited for what’s next. I plan to support SK and all of their programming at whatever institution I call home at graduate school and beyond.

This is Jake, one last time. 🙂

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