How “Meh” to “Hmm” Helped Me Feed My Butterflies

Feed My Butterflies

This semester, I am currently feeding my butterflies every Monday and Wednesday afternoon. I am taking a ballroom dancing class at my university, having no experience whatsoever with formal dancing in the past (unless you count the wobble, stanky leg, dougie, and whip/nay-nay as formal dance moves.) Thus, it has been a struggle having to lead my dance partner across the floor during the foxtrot, rumba, and waltz. However, I am getting the hang of it.

Why did I want to take up such a class out of nowhere, when I had no prior dance experience? Well, someone moved my interest from “meh” to “hmm”!

One day, I was walking across campus and heard jazz music in the distance. As I got closer I realized it wasn’t live, but instead there was a huge stereo near a statue on campus, and there were people dance around it on the red cobblestone. They were all dancing the jazz swing, and they looked like they were having the time of their lives. I thought to myself, “that seems pretty cool, I want to try it.”

And here I am now, learning promenades of the foxtrot and cross-body leads in the rumba!

So, as a campus leader, what are ways to showcase your organization and move peoples’ interest from “meh” to “hmm”? Here are a few ways:11659515_792820017497934_4034111607889779255_n

  • Give your group some publicity on campus by “setting up shop” in popular spots on campus. Show off the
    talents of your acappella group by singing songs from your next showcase in front of the fountain by the green.
  • Market your organization’s next event by doing something other than hanging up posters. When handing out fliers this time, include a small piece of memorabilia to get people pumped for the event! Pass out fliers with a random, unique joke included in each flier for your Stand-Up Comedy Club’s next show!
  • Team up with another group on campus to get people excited about a cause! You’re involved in a community service organization on campus. You have a friend who’s involved in a different organization? Team up to host a day of service event on campus! Twice the amount of people, twice the amount of people to go from “meh” to “hmm”!

By moving people’s interest from “meh” to “hmm”, you are encouraging potential members to feed their butterflies and become engaged members on campus!

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