Podcast on Technology and the Future of Higher Education

Podcast on Technology

In a podcast with Paul Miller of Project Xiphos, Kevin talked about technology and the future of higher education. The podcast runs 38 minutes, but if your time is short, here are some key quotes from Kevin I pulled while listening.

– Education needs technology to stay relevant

– Apathy is oil in the ground waiting to be tapped

– We are giving up control to participate

– If we don’t give up control we loose the communication channel.

– Sequestering students in our private walled garden that we paid a lot of money for is really doing them a disservice.

– The role of the institution is….teaching students how to be public.

– Established big players don’t typically make the jump to the next shift. They don’t participate in the disruption of their own business model.

– One of the primary things Blackboard sells is privacy and security.

– The Ebay peer-to-peer assessment model is far more exciting than the professorial model.

– We can care about [the students] more than the lawyers who care about duty of care.

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