Red Rover Orientation Product Logo

Our Red Rover** orientation software is nearing its production end. It’s been a long process and we’ve incorporated lots of outside help. One of our final pieces is picking a logo. Input from our SK friends is important to us, so here are a few logo ideas we’re playing with.

The final may or may not be one of these logos. Look at each logo and give us your feedback about the elements you like or don’t like for each. Then we’ll take all the feedback and decide on one or create another round of brainstorming if needed.

Background: Red Rover is orientation software with the goal of increasing student engagement on campus by making relevant introductions based on institution values. To learn more visit our website.


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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

** Link Broken as of July/2019

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