Staying Busy vs. Being Productive as a Campus Leader

Staying Busy vs. Being Productive as a Campus Leader

Hello there, campus leader 🙂

Right now you are probably in between classes, taking a quick mental break by reading a cool blog (thanks, we know). Maybe you are on your way to the next meeting you have scheduled with your organization’s adviser. Maybe you are about to start a meeting for a group project, since that assignment is due at the end of the week. No matter what it is you are doing, you are probably feeling… BUSY.

As a matter of fact, the last time someone asked, “How’s your day going?”, you probably responded with “Good, but REALLY busy!” Whether you’re taking a heavy credit load this semester, taking on a leadership role in a campus organization, or working a part-time job on campus, stress levels run high in the middle of the semester with all the tasks that have to get done.

The question is, how can you manage your time so that you can be the best campus leader possible? How can you manage a packed schedule, but also maintain that community where everyone feels welcomed, connected, and engaged in your organization?  How can you stop being busy, and start being productive?

While “keeping busy” means you are part of the dance floor on your campus, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are showing your best dance moves out there. By being so busy that your efforts are spread out to several tasks at a time, you may actually be hurting your performance as a student, as a campus leader, or even as a friend to others.

Play to win with your schedule, by switching your focus from being busy to being productive. That way you can get more done, see results, and have more free time for fun. Here’s how:

  • Utilize a handy calendar. Whether it’s Google Calendar, the calendar on your laptop/phone, or a physical organizer, schedule out your “norms” at the beginning of each week. By norms, I mean what is your normal routine for the week. Norms can consist of daily lectures for your classes, weekly meetings with your campus organization, and times that you know you have to work at your job. Once you establish the norms of your schedule, you can then plan around it for new events that come


  • Have a list of daily MUSTs for each day: tasks that you MUST get done by the end of the day that lead you toward your goals (or your SMART goals) Think of Shia Lebouf screaming, JUST DO IT for these tasks.
  • Learn how to “single task”: Ok, you allotted yourself 3 hours in the library from 5:00PM-8:00PM. Spend the whole time focusing on studying (no phones, no social media for 3 hours.) Live your day one task at a time. If the task leads you toward your goals, why don’t you give your full attention to it?

By following these time management tips, you will not just be an active, busy member on the dance floor. Instead, you will be a skilled, productive 5 on the dance floor!

And next time someone asks how your day is going, you will say, “Good, REALLY productive!” 🙂

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