Student Leader Spotlight: James Snider, Jamestown Community College ’14


School and Year: JCC ’14

Major: History

Leadership position: Campus Activities Board, Student Senator, Hall Council President

How do you define leadership? 

Leadership in my opinion is the ability to make others believe in themselves and encourages them to become leaders in their own right.

What first inspired you to become a student leader/get your current position?

My first semester, I was a hermit that did nothing else except go to class and return to my dorm. In my second semester I was sick of that, so I saw there was a position open in Student Senate, so I went for it. After an interview I was appointed a senator and I haven’t regretted it one bit. The reason I chose Student Senate was that I wanted to do something to help my fellow students, and it gave me some power to affect change on the campus I love.

What is one experience (any kind) you think everyone should have?

I think one experience everyone should do is travel. I have been to Greece, Italy, France, and just recently Belgium. It is a great way to discover more about the world and yourself.

What was your number one take-away from DFT?

Getting students involved more on campus.

What is your go-to happy song?

Wake Me Up – Avicii

I chose it because there is always a light at the end, just push through, and you will find it.

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