Swift Kick partners with Top Rated Venture Capital Firms to Expand a Private Community for Venture-Backed Entrepreneurs

Off The Record Forums, LLC partners with Swift Kick to expand their private community of entrepreneurs of venture-backed companies.

NY, New York – Tom Krieglstein has become the new Executive Director of Off The Record. Tom and his team at Swift Kick are charged with managing the entire member experience from recruiting new members to engaging and retaining current members.

Off The Record Forums, LLC (OTR) is a non-profit peer-to-peer community of venture-backed entrepreneurs who work together in smaller groups (called PODs) to challenge and support each other to mitigate problems and accelerate successes. The criteria to join is that you must be a C-suite member of a company that has raised a minimum of $1 million dollars. 

OTR is backed by several world-class VC firms such as Laconia Capital Group, Bullpen Capital, Differential Ventures, Tribeca Venture Partners, Nextview, Two Sigma Ventures, and Value Stream.

As the incoming Executive Director, Tom sees a massive amount of potential to expand OTR globally to be a prominent community for venture-backed entrepreneurs to connect, learn, and grow with each other. 

Tom’s initial focus for OTR is to take the current membership and focus deeply on making their POD experience as valuable as possible. From there, he will work on expanding the larger community to help members better connect and support each other through the following ideas:

– Discounts on popular software/vendors used by startups

– Access to partner VCs

– Private online community exclusive to members to connect

– Resource sharing/matching with fellow OTR Members

– Professionally facilitated quarterly strategic planning session for members

– Personal Accountability Coaches for members to stay on track with their goals

Tom has over 15 years of experience helping organizations build a Culture of Connection™ within their community as a way to increase member recruitment, engagement, and retention. He was a Board Member of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) as Forum Chair for five years, six years as a Forum Moderator for his own Forum, and has spent hundreds of hours training other Forums for organizations like TED, YPO, EO, and YEC, and Bliss Champions. Tom has also been invited to speak at some of the largest companies in the world, such as Coca-Cola, Pfizer, Disney, US Navy, Apple, and Nike. He holds seven National Speaking Titles and is a TEDx speaker.

When asked what he is most excited about running the OTR community, Tom responded, “The ability to put into practice our Culture of Connection™ engagement system within a community over an extended period of time”.


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