The First Year Experience Curriculum

The First Year Experience Curriculum

Although the vast majority of first-year students are using Facebook and Myspace, and spending a great deal of time on the web, many still aren’t familiar with the web tools that are most conducive to enhancing their education. Helping students develop positive digital identities sets them up for success in an increasingly digital age – after all, Google is the new resume.

Our First Year Experience Curriculum is a web technology curriculum plug-in for instructors. Use it “as is,” or scale it up/down to fit into your FYE seminar.

We’ve split the curriculum up into three themes: 1) Digital Identity, 2) Networking, and 3) Contributing. Within each theme, there’s a lesson plan component that can either stand alone as the lesson plan for any given seminar meeting, or as part of a larger lesson plan. In some cases, there is more than one component in a theme for you to use however you prefer. You’ll also notice extra exercises and at-home assignments.


1. Provide a comprehensive technology component to FYE seminar instructors for adoption into the course.

2. Provide students the know-how to best use available technology to supplement their in-class and out-of-class college learning experience.

3. Enable students to begin developing the digital identities that they will have throughout college and beyond.

Learning Outcomes:

Students who complete a FYE seminar that incorporates this tech curriculum module will:

1. Create a positive digital identity and understand the advantages and potential dangers of having a public identity.

2. Learn how to network effectively online and translate that to on campus interaction (to connect to people, support and opportunities).

3. Understand how to seek out resources and information online and how to make responsible and meaningful contributions to information on the web.

The FYE Technology Curriculum was developed by Scott Silverman, Tania (Dudina) Luna, and Red Rover.

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