Top 3 Unexpected #FreeHugs Day Trends

Students and Kutztown with their school President

WOW, the day isn’t even over and so many of you have given out so many hugs already!

Over the weekend, we will be posting the official numbers, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, we noticed some crazy cool trends being posted to social media.

1. Administrators and faculty getting involved

Sherrod Williams Director, Student Leadership and Community Engagement  at UMass Boston isn’t big on the hugging,  but he pledged 10 and counted each down on Twitter with a picture or vine. Here’s his 10th!

We also have these awesome students connecting with school administrators:

kutztown with prez
Students and Kutztown with their school President!
jcc student senate with prez and dean
The student senate at JCC with their President and Dean!

These are great because it is important for Student Affairs Pros and administrators to be able to have a friendly and open relationship with students. Free Hugs are for everyone!

2. Hug your mascot


3. Random students who were overjoyed to come across #FreeHuggers

Ok, this wasn’t really unexpected, we knew you would make a lot of people’s day all along. 😉  Talk about going from “meh to hmm…”

Check back this weekend for more #freehugs updates and keep sharing with us!

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