Ways To Have An Adventurous Summer Within A New Community

As summer is approaching, I have had multiple conversations with my various groups of friends regarding their summer plans.  A few of my friends within my cohort or graduate school class are attending summer internships in a different state.  One of my undergraduate friends is also experiencing a similar change in scenery by moving to Pittsburgh to start her graduate school career.  The last friend I had this discussion with is just remaining in the same area, but expanding his mind by changing up his regular summer schedule and taking summer classes to get ahead in his program.

As I was starting to consider my own summer plans, I began to notice a common theme throughout all the conversations I had with my various friends… CHANGE!

The individuals in my cohort were seeking both a change of scenery and community for the summer. They will have the opportunity to create a sense of community within a strange state with a group of people who are strangers.

My friend who is moving to Pittsburgh to start her graduate education is also expecting to experience some change.  Not only is she switching up her location, but she is also looking to start a new sense of community within her upcoming graduate school class.

What can someone who is experiencing similar adventures this summer do to better their experiences?:

  1. Go into the new experience with an open mind.
  2. Do not be afraid to be the outgoing one or the individual who initiates conversation.
  3. Do not be afraid to try something new.
  4. Remind yourself daily of all the positives that have come from your summer adventure.

What adventures will you take?

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