5 Little Ways You Can Honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is far too great a burden to bear.”

The words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. are the kinds of words that ring true no matter how many years have passed. They inspire love, and the nitty gritty business of holding ourselves accountable for how we treat each other, regardless of differences.

While we can’t all change the world in a large-scale way during our lifetime, we can and should all work to make each small interaction we have make a difference. Here are five ways you can take the spirit of MLK Jr. and make a difference in someone’s life TODAY.

1. Reflect on those people you have yet to forgive.

We all have relationships in our lives that need a little mending. It’s hard to forgive, especially when that person never said sorry or made amends. Reflect on how to forgive them anyway.

2. Stand up for someone who needs a friend.

Perhaps you witness bullying, or know someone who never has anyone by their side. Offer a small gesture to show you care. Say hello and ask how they are. Ask them if they need anything.

3. Find common ground with someone different than you.

Think about a person you feel like you have nothing in common with. Strike up a conversation or browse their Instagram. What can you relate to? Do you like the same movies or books? Do you have mutual friends?

4. Look for the light in a dark situation.

We are all troubled by things happening in our lives and in the world. Is there an opportunity to create good? How CAN YOU be that light in the darkness?

5. Stop before you react in anger.

Next time something makes you angry, pause before you react. Give yourself a moment to feel those feelings, and then breathe out the negativity. Remember that you are better than to get dragged down into meanness, and that the only way to make a difference is to be firm but good.

How are you honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day? Let us know!

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