Why Community? Brainstorming

Why Community

We talk a lot about building great communities, but what about why we love communities in the first place? 

While I was trying to come up with a perfect topic for today’s blog post, I had the idea to go ask someone in our coworking space to help me brainstorm a post idea around communities. And then I realized I didn’t need to do that anymore, because brainstorming is a great topic for a post! Bam!

One of the best things about a good community, in my opinion, is that the sum of the minds can create greater things than each individual one, if done right. Because a person brings  a unique mix of opinions, ideas, and perceptions, a community benefits when it taps into all of those resources. 

I may be facing a conundrum, or stuck on how to make my idea work, or how to have an idea at all, but someone else in my community might have the answer. I need only ask! And not only do they have a new view, but sometimes simply talking to someone else about something helps you come up with a new idea on your own! Communities speak to the idea that people need other people to excel, and that is a beautiful thing.

So why make your school’s community a positive one? Why build the culture in your organization? Because different people, bonded by 1 or 2 common threads, can help make each other awesome.

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