2006 Swift Kick Program Calendar

As we close the door on 2006, here’s a look back at who we worked with:

08/15/06 Penn State – Altoona Leadership Conference
08/16/06 Penn State – Altoona Leadership Conference
08/23/06 US Navy – Waxahachie, TN
08/28/06 Queens College
08/31/06 Penn State – Lehigh Valley
09/13/06 Alvernia College
09/14/06 Penn State – Harrisburg
09/15/06 College of Dupage
09/18/06 Bainbridge College
09/19/06 Georgia Southwest State University
09/25/06 Concord University
10/5/06 NACA South
10/6/06 NACA South
10/7/06 NACA South
10/8/06 NACA South
10/12/06 NACA Central
10/13/06 NACA Central
10/14/06 NACA Central
10/15/06 NACA Central
10/16/06 APCA New York
10/17/06 APCA New York
10/18/06 APCA New York
10/12/06 Schriener College
10/13/06 Amarillo College
10/20/06 Coastal Georgia CC
10/21/06 Tumbles Gym
11/04/06 ICCSAA
11/12/06 NACA West
11/13/06 NACA West
11/14/06 NACA West
11/15/06 NACA West
11/17/06 APCA South
11/18/06 APCA South
11/19/06 APCA South
12/13/06 Penn State – University Park Campus

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