5 “Blender Events” to Make this Leap Day Special

D9AE3D6D9ADon’t look now, but we all have an extra day this year! Because it’s a day we wouldn’t otherwise have had, it’s definitely a cause for celebration and for doing something special. Here are some blender events to make the most of today with your friends, peers, or coworkers.

1. Put up an “I will use this extra day to….” board in a common area. Leave something to write with, so everyone  can share how they will use their unclaimed time.

2. Turn it into a fitness challenge! Get it, LEAP like jumping? Ha ha. Challenge passerby’s to a jump rope work out, jumping jacks, or obstacle course. No need to get too intense – just give people a way to get an energy burst.

3. A Leap of Faith moment. Ask those in your community what slightly scary thing they could do today that they really wish they had the courage to do. Support each other in your goals!

4. Turn it into a charity drive. What better way to use the extra 24 hours than to start a huge one-day fundraising drive for your community’s favorite charity?

5. Make a community-wide hashtag and encourage everyone to use it on Instagram as they do something different today. For example, here at Swift Kick, we could all use #SwiftKickLeaps and Tom might take a picture trying a new restaurant with his wife, Melissa might work on mastering a new fitness routine, and I might take a different way home.

These are all great ways to feel more connected and engaged with those around you, as you celebrate new traditions for a fun day.

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