Working Out in the Open and Eating our own Dog Food

Themes for Swift Kick

In an earlier post, Tom mentioned that one of our goals for 2008 was to work out in the open.

We often recommend this in Dance Floor Theory™ leadership sessions – telling students to hold their meetings in the commons every once in a while, with a flip board showing what they are doing. It piques interest. It shows movement. It builds credibility.

We also recommend wikis. Especially for student government, though activities can be equally as powerful an application. It’s a way to show interested students how much work goes into planning. It’s a way to involve others in that planning.

Eating your own dog food is always a good idea. Especially with web 2.0 tech. I’ve been the victim of technolust so many times – something seems like it will be really cool, but for whatever reason, it just isn’t that useful and falls out of my workflow. (DevonThink, is a recent example among many.)

Today we’re proud to announce the opening up of the Swift Kick (wiki) kitchen**. It’s not done, of course, but it’s a good start. The goal is for this to be our workspace. So that advisors and students who are interested can come to play and learn.

We’re using this space for case studies** – where each school gets a page for their program flow (trying to figure out how to embed follow up surveys now . . .) and for all the content that Swift Kick has created so far.

“Giving your content away”** (it’s under CC 3.0 noncommercial) is a horrifying idea to a number of established speakers. They work hard to “protect” their intellectual property. We completely understand that position and have decided to test the other side.

We’re using this space to elicit feedback on marketing and initiatives (and boy do we appreciate all the input from all of you!)

Red Rover, of course, is up here too, with its own space providing live feeds from the development environment and new user interface discussions.

So come on in to the kitchen, find something that looks good to you, hang out, talk, and cook up something tasty with us.

** Link Broken as of June/2019

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