Millennials: “Lazy and Entitled”…Not a chance!

Millennials: “Lazy and Entitled”…Not a chance!

Time Magazine recently published an article labeling Millennials as lazy, entitled and completely dependent on smartphones. While the last one might be true, there was a large outcry from Millennials about being called, not in so many words, useless. Author Nona Willis Aronowitz points out that this generation is all about changing the world, not taking no for an answer, and being go-getters. Better yet, Millennials, despite growing up in a terrible economy in the US, are optimistic about their futures and getting the life they are planning.

Today’s student leaders are proof of this. Every day, there are news stories about students changing policies at their schools, becoming entrepreneurs, and doing amazing good in their communities. The internet isn’t simply a distraction, it has become a tool that this generation took full advantage of. They don’t wait for “adults” to take care of things, speak out themselves, using any medium they can. They are optimistic because they are in control of their own world. And that’s awesome.

Full story at Today.

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