Andre Malan: What Education Will Look Like

What Education Will Look Like

One of my favorite quotes comes at 20:30:

Andre tells the story of John Beasley Murray assigning a Wikipedia change as an assignment. He is criticized for outsourcing the grading to Wikipedia editors, but his students came to his defense:

“It was harder [for the students] to get those grades from the Wikipedia community than it would have been from any professor. They had to work harder. Not only did they have to work harder, but they enjoyed working harder.

The thing that drove me crazy in college was doing work that was arbitrary and being graded in an arbitrary way. Andre argues for “real world” projects graded in real-world ways.

Let’s focus on the network. What does your learning network think of your work?

This is a very exciting direction for accreditation and a key component of changing the fundamentals of the education system.

Well done Andre.

BTW: I love Canada, its people, and its idea exports. The awesomeness that is their Edtech helps make up for the downward trend of Adbusters.

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