Are You Part of Your Family’s Community?

Are You Part of Your Family’s Community

If you think about it, the first community you’re ever part of is your family. But we often take for granted the awesome people we are surrounded by from the beginning because, well, they’ve been there forever.

When you think about your campus community, you might think of:

  • Helping each other out
  • Support system in tough times
  • Great times and memories together
  • Working together to create awesome things
  • Respect

My question for you (and myself) – are you acting the part in your family’s community? 

I have a feeling that if we make more of an effort to connect with our families in new ways, that we will become better leaders out in the world too. Here are some suggestions:

  • Shout out a family member on social media
  • Send a card or spend some time with your parent when they are stressed.
  • Plan a dinner where everyone is home
  • Ask your family for feedback on a project
  • Act as respectfully towards your family members as you would someone in your organization

What do you think? Do you have any ideas to make your family a stronger community?

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