Yeah, you read that right. Following are some pictures from the wonderful retreat day we had a week ago. Don’t worry, the bugs are towards the end.
We started the day with some juice shots…some were better than others. GOOD MORNING, BEET JUICE, ANYONE?
After some planning and brainstorming for the next quarter, we headed to the elevator to go out to Zucotti park and ask strangers to have a conversation. We split into pairs (and Tom by himself) and tried to find a stranger we shared something in common with. Feeding butterflies and making new friends!
Then, it was back to the drawing board to finalize our projects for Q4 and make sure we could hit the ground running.

We decided on our quarterly theme and big metric- READY, AIM, FIRE! Where we will finish at least 93% of all the tasks we outlined at this retreat.
Once the retreat was over, we had written letters to ourselves, and were good and tired, we headed out to dinner after a quick break. Tom snapped a picture of Sabina, Matt and Nicole in the front room. Not everyone was ready…
Little did we know what wonders awaited us for dinner…Tom took us to a place called The Black Ant. We slowly discovered that the name wasn’t just a metaphor…

Sabina and Melissa took to the internet, looking up all the Spanish words just in case they translated to something from the world of insects. They ordered cod fish tacos, while the rest of the team decided to munch on something…different. We thought the company value was feed your butterflies…but maybe it’s eat your butterflies?!
Tom ordered a drink that had “black ant salt” around the top of the glass.

And then the appetizer came: fried grasshoppers. What was the verdict?

Melissa and Sabina – Nope [neutrals on the dance floor]
Matt – Tried the grasshoppers in a tortilla wrap, decided not to finish it [1 or 2 on the dance floor]
Nicole – Tried the grasshoppers in a wrap, enjoyed it. [3 or 4 on the dance floor]
Tom – Tried them, loved them, popped them like popcorn into his mouth all night. [5 on the dance floor]

Believe it or not, we all had a blast at the Black Ant- What an experience!
But our day wasn’t through yet, as Swift Kick always ends retreat day with some epic Merrymaking – this time featuring The Blue Man Group
Matt even got picked as a volunteer who “helped paint a canvas with his body”
And of course, the night wouldn’t be complete without a family photo with our new friend!
…and a selfie by Tom, who got caught by the Blue Man himself…
Speaking of selfies, check out this bonus selfie from our amazing interns Matt and Nicole. D’aw!