College Student Loan Rates Debate Divides Democrats in the Senate

College Student Loan Rates Debate Divides Democrats in the Senate

Some Democrats in the Senate either voted against or voted to filibuster the bill that would reverse the rise in student loan interest rates. It was surprising to happen upon this article today, because usually one expects the Democrats to protect students from raising loan interest rates. Turns out that Democrats are showing disagreement in the way Republicans often seem divided. This article suggests that such a disagreement might have given a little victory to the Republicans in securing student votes. This issue, after all, is a direct concern for students and parents  that touches close to home. I think this continuing confusion on what the major parties stand for in this country is significant. There are equal pulls to save our economy and to give every citizen equal opportunities regardless of money, and this is causing divided opinions within each of the parties.

Full story at The New York Times.

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