Community at Swift Kick HQ – We Share Stories

One thing that sticks out while working at Swift Kick is that we are all friends, working together. We aren’t just coworkers.

This is the kind of thing you want to create within your on-campus organization: friends, doing cool things together.

One of the simplest and most effective ways we foster a community within our own team is at our meetings, and also in between tasks. We share stories. The first item on our agenda of the weekly meetings is the “Good News Tangent.” Each of us get to share a cool/funny/awesome story from our past week, outside of work.

Not only does this help us get to know each other, but it reminds us that work isn’t the only thing in each of our lives. This is important! Knowing about your team member’s lives outside of your niche together is powerful because it makes your connection with them stronger. It serves to remind us that we have separate lives –troubles, triumphs, etc.– besides what we see in the team setting. It gives us a chance to treat each other as friends.

And friends who have fun building things together succeed together.

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