Creating the Perfect Storm on Your Team

It is that point in the semester where campus organizations and clubs have met at least once. Everyone has had their first meeting where everyone gets to know each other, see the plans for this semester, and define the role each team member will play.

According to Tuckman’s Team-Development Modelwe have just passed the “Forming” stage, and are now in the “Storming” phase of the semester for our campus groups.

In the storming phase, we see differences emerge between team members and conflict arise. In this phase, it is very important to make everyone feel welcomed, connected, and engaged, as everyone should be aware of others’ biases, approaches, and styles. The storming phase can be potentially destructive for the group if its conflict is not addressed. The 1’s and 2’s that just joined the dance floor may disagree with the 4’s and 5’s that have been dancing for a few years. However, it’s important that we give these 1’s and 2’s the chance to incorporate their own dance moves into the team’s routine, while also giving the opportunity for 4’s and 5’s to maintain the structure of the organization. Here are 3 ways we can raise the tide during the storming phase, to create the “Perfect Storm”:

1. Have the team take a personality assessment, such as True Colors or the Leadership Compass. Once everyone knows each other’s style, they will understand when styles clash. Welcome all different leadership styles.

2. Create a buddy system, pairing old members with new members. This gives the group an opportunity to receive different perspectives and form relationships between new and old members. Make them feel connected.

3. Conduct group thinks, where everyone is given the opportunity to put an idea up for the next group project. Keep them engaged. 


Conflict isn’t always avoidable, and can often be a great thing when addressed properly. By increasing relationships and creating that community where everyone feels welcomed, connected, and engaged, you’ll also be creating the perfect storm in the storming phase!

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