How the Dictionary, and 6 Famous People, Define Community

According to, one of the definitions of the word community is “similar character; agreement; identity.” Here at Swift Kick, we believe that people become better versions of themselves when they are connected to a strong community. We aren’t the only ones who feel this way…#TeamHuman

The great gift of human being is that we have the power of empathy. -Meryl Streep

What do most people say on their deathbed? They don't say, "I wish I'd made more money." What they say is, "I wish I'd spent more time with my family and done more for my society or community." -David Rubenstein

I am a huge believer in giving back and helping out in the community and the world. Think globally, act locally I suppose. I believe that the measure of a person's life is the affect they have on others. -Steve Nash

To move forward, you have to give back. -Oprah Winfrey

Human beings need three basic things in order to be content: they need to feel competent at what they do; they need to feel authentic in their lives; they need to feel connected to others. These values are considered "intrinsic" to human happiness and far outweigh "extrinsic values such as beauty, money and status. -Sebastian Junger

Because it's not merely about surrounding myself with people who treat me well. It's also about surrounding myself with people whose self-worth, self-respect and values inspire me to elevate my own behavior. -Shonda Rhimes

Which one of these quotes best describes your community? How can you create more empathy, connection, inspiration, and service within your organization? Pick one of the above quotes and share it with your team members as some extra inspiration this week!

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