Another Free Hugs Day in the Books! #FreeHugs17

Free Hugs Day has become quite the event at many schools around the US. From Texas A&M International University, to Fordham University in New York, to UC Berkeley, we witnessed hugs at every corner of our country.

Free Hugs Day is a tradition for many different schools every year.  Check out what some of these schools have said!:

“This is quickly becoming a new tradition at Texas A&M International University! Both Laredo, Texas, and TAMIU pride themselves in being a friendly, welcoming environment to all people. #FreeHugs17 helps us embrace that culture of positivity and love! This will be our second year participating in Free Hugs Day with Swift Kick.”

Jackelyne Briseño, Texas A&M International University

“Hugs are such a simple gesture to shrink campus and remind people to look around and appreciate the community around them that they often just pass through. I <3 FREE HUGS!!!!!!!!!”

– Martine De Matteo, Fordham University

“This year, more than ever, hugs are necessary to get through the day. Whether a physical one or just a simple kind gesture or smile, showing kindness without incentive can truly make a difference. I am a hugger, and always look forward to this day, but urge others to treat this concept as a daily habit in the contexts that make sense for you. #FreeHugs17″

– Allison Avolio, Johns Hopkins University

Finally, here is a recap video of some of the hugs that were given out this year. Check it out!–r0W6GKdw

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