That’s a Wrap on #FreeHugs18

Free Hugs Day has become quite the event at many schools around the US. From University of Delaware, to Johns Hopkins University, to Bossier Parish Community College we witnessed hugs at every corner of our country, at institutions of all kinds for #FreeHugs18

Last year, we talked about how Free Hugs Day has become a tradition at many institutions. This year, however, not only did we see those traditions continued, but we watched them get a make-over with fresh ideas.

Here are some of our favorite unique ways #FreeHugs18 was celebrated:

Bossier Parish CC

At Bossier Parish Community College, SGA called for the whole campus community to help them give out 1,000 hugs. If anyone gave just two hugs towards the effort, they could sign up to win a Free Hugs t-shirt.


The Blue Hen Leadership Program at University of Delaware went really big this year. They created an Instagram account to build hype. They hosted the event at their Mental Health Awareness table in the student center, and had everyone sign a poster  to mark the occasion.

Johns Hopkins University

JHU went all out with a brand new event: ‘Nugs & Hugs. Not only did they give out Free Hugs and swag, but they had coloring, massages, and chicken nuggets. Their event was focused on the idea of stepping away to focus on self-care. We are obsessed with this idea!


Finally, here is an infograph of all the stats from the big day. Thank you to all who participated. Let’s make #FreeHugs19 even better.

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