#FreeHugs Can Breach Closed Doors

I meant that literally. And figuratively.

Hi all, today I am blogging personally. My name is Sabina, and I am the Community Manager for Swift Kick and Student Launcher. (Need something? Email me at [email protected])

As you all know, International Student #FreeHugs Day is on November 7th this year. If you didn’t know that, then I have not been doing my job. I promised you stories leading up to the day from past free hugs days, so I would like to share one of my many #FreeHugs stories now.


I went to Fordham University, the Rose Hill campus. The student center building is called McGinley Center, and that is where I set up camp one day to do #FreeHugs with my friend Anthony. Fordham University has Fordham Prep on its campus, an all-boys high school. The boys often wander our campus and use the facilities.  These details are all important.

Let’s set the scene. I was in the lobby of McGinley with my sign, facing the glass door for the hallway that leads to the gym, which is down a few steps from the lobby.  (See picture.)

We are standing there, full of pep and joy, and we notice some Fordham Prep kids,  aged 14 or 15, gawking at us through the glass door on the way to the basketball courts. We start waving back and forth, and I am already excited that we got their attention at all. I cannot remember who initiated, but suddenly I find myself in an air hug across the lobby and through the door with one of the boys.

Imagine my surprise when this kid isn’t satisfied with an air hug. Before I can blink, he bursts through the glass doors, up the few stairs, and gives ME a free hug that I will never forget. And he looked so excited about it.

fhsignsUsually, having high schoolers around as a college student can be a little annoying. But that day, because of #FreeHugs and that kid’s amazing spirit, we were both just two students who appreciate a good hug. We parted ways with huge smiles on our faces. I hope he remembers that moment, because I won’t forget it.

Got cool #FreeHugs stories? Think you can one-up mine? Send them to me at [email protected].

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