And the Winning #FreeHugs Postcard Is…

Thank you to all those who voted for our 2017-2018 Free Hugs postcard! We are so grateful to Meredith Kenton for such creative contributions. Thanks for taking the time to design great postcards.

Meredith is a Chemistry major at Washington College in Maryland.

Fun facts about Meredith:

  • Meredith grew up in Portland, Oregon and moved to Pennsylvania before middle school
  • She’s a member of the sorority Alpha Chi Omega
  • She has seen every episode of Greys Anatomy at least twice and is working on round 3!

Without further ado, the winning design is…

Free Hugs Shark

Thanks again for all of your votes, and a special thank you to Meredith for your creative vision for the Dance Floor Theory community.

We cannot wait to get these hot off the press!

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