From the Mouths of Huggers! International Free Hugs Day Update

From the Mouths of Huggers! International Free Hugs Day Update

Well, this is exciting! We have already gotten 1,298 pledged hugs for November 7th!

We ask everyone who signs up to tell us why they are excited to participate, and we got some lovely responses:

We’re participating in Free Hugs Day because it’s a great way to express our care for each other, and improve morale during a busy time.” Ben from New River Community College (SGA)

Help a smile, lighten up a bad day, spread kindness!” Jema from Georgia State U (Alpha Omicron Pi)

I greatly enjoy breaking social and none verbal norms, what better way to do it than to invade a stranger’s space by giving a giant hug!” Amera from Georgia Highlands College (HIP)

A great experience to make the change, provide students the opportunity to socialize and feel comfortable being part of the University life.” Karen from Inter American University of Puerto Rico (Student Council)

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. You guys rock!

Send me ([email protected]) some stories from past free hugs day, so we can keep putting up celebratory blog posts up to the big day!! 🙂

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