4 Fun Fall Team Builders

4 Fun Fall Team Builders

Ahh, it’s officially Fall again. You see the change of color in the leaves, and the smell of cookouts and bonfires in the crisp, cool air. The Student Centers at universities have started to promote their October events by decorating with orange and black. There is so much excitement during the Fall. As a campus leader, how can you use this excitement to bring your organization closer together?

Introducing… (dun-dun-dun)….  Fun Fall Team Builders!

Do you feel that your team isn’t fully welcomed, connected, and engaged? Do the new and old members tend to only get along during meetings, but never have that social connection outside your weekly routine? Are you looking for ways to create Open Doors, Open Hearts? Do you think your group needs to get away from the busy semester by coming together to have fun?

Look no further. Here are 4 ideas for Fun Fall Team Builders:

1. Apple Picking

 Enjoy a gorgeous Fall Saturday by bringing everyone together for some tasty, healthy treats. (Having everyone match in flannel shirts is optional.)

2. Haunted House/Hay Ride

 This is a great way to allow everyone to share their emotions with each other. According to a Time Magazine Article, “When you’re freaked out, your body also starts pumping out a bonding chemical called oxytocin—the same hormone that mothers produce during childbirth. This can make a frightful experience a fantastic way to solidify friendships and other social relationships.”

3. Pumpkin Decorating Contests

 See everyone’s creative, artistic side. Challenge them to make their favorite fictional character on the pumpkin. (Monster’s Inc. pumpkins anybody?)1025599_10152191873293586_461736942_o-2kr8771-1024x683

4. Themed costume party

 I could not leave this one out. Make everyone on campus wonder why you are 20 years old and still dressed in a Halloween costume. Even better, have everyone on your team dress up together in a theme, such as the Scooby-Doo Crew or the Justice League. When people do ask why you’re dressed up, tell them that you and your sorority thought it would be a fun idea. What better way to get potential new members’ thoughts from “meh”, to “hmm”?

I challenge you, use at least one of these ideas this semester to bring your team together and engage new members!

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