Swift Kick recently had their Q2 retreat, and at this retreat we had a fun crossword puzzle to complete about the team members and following the theme of “Under the Sea”. Normally, I dislike crossword puzzles, but I was determined to get this puzzle completed. How off could I be?

When the day came to an end, I found that I had only 5 more questions that I could not answer. I was officially ready to get “Fun-stuck”. I placed the puzzle in my bag, enjoyed the walk to the fish-go-round (don’t ask) and then to dinner we went. After taking a break from the puzzle, but before handing it in to Sabina to get the final score, I decided to look at it one more time. BINGO! I figured out two more words on the puzzle.

Taking a step away from finding the answers and focusing on something else gave me time to breathe. It is hard to figure something out all at once at once.

Some tips for when you are stuck:

Sometimes its nice to give your brain a break.

Start projects early in the day, so you have time to step away later.

Walk away from the paper or task you are on and do something completely different.

Ask a friend to help out.

Go for a walk – the fresh air honestly does help.

Listen to some music to get your mind elsewhere.

Daydream – it seriously does work!

Look at the task with a whole new perspective (try it a different way).

Watch an episode of your favorite TV show.

Take a coffee or tea break.

It is always a great idea to walk away from any situation that you cannot figure out at the moment. Like Albert Einstein said:

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

Read more about F(UN-STUCK) in our 21 tips book!

Until next time, have a great day!

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