Funny Google Searches for Swift Kick

As a child, my parents nicknamed me The Count because I used to count the number of pennies in our HUGE family coin jar. Though I no longer count the number of pennies lying around, I do admittedly have an obsession with watching our blog numbers** and calculating its monthly growth. Call me a geek, it’s ok I accept it.

The two major places where we receive our blog traffic information is from our Typepad dashboard and from Google Analytics:

One chart shows us all the keywords people type into Google to find our blog. Most of the keywords are normal words like Swift Kick, College Lecture, Myspace Lecture, Dance Floor Theory Leadership Training, Tom Krieglstein, Kevin Prentiss, etc. Every so often there’s a search that is too enjoyable to let go by: I assume they were searching for our leadership training program, Dance Floor Theory™, and pieced together the best set of words they knew to describe it. It worked! Thanks to the person who did this search, it put a smile on our faces 🙂

** Link Broken as of June/2019

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