Going Greek to Get Involved – A Student Leader Spotlight

We are always meeting student leaders who are going the extra mile to make others feel welcome and build community culture on their campuses. We realized that one great way to learn from each other is to spotlight different students who have made an impact on the lives of their fellow students.

Meet Gerard Edward Smithwrick, a student at Kean University. He’s a History major and the Executive President of Student Organization on campus. We asked him about the things he loves on campus and how he gets others involved.

What’s your favorite campus tradition?

My favorite campus tradition at Kean University is Meet The Greeks each semester. It’s where the Greek communities at Kean host a large scale event in the gymnasium and showcase themselves to the student body for recruitment. We have a DJ, raise money for either St. Jude’s or our Dance Marathon, dance, and have lots of fun. It’s one of the biggest (most well attended) Meet The Greeks in the state of New Jersey.

Have you ever helped someone go from a neutral to more engaged? 

This past year, as president of the undergraduate student government, I’ve had numerous times like these. One in particular was when I helped motivate a student named Requel to join the Student Government. She worked on-campus within student affairs so she was aware of the numerous avenues of involvement, but didn’t go deeper to really engage herself in it. I saw her potential and made it my mission to acclimate her, and now she’s the Junior Class President of Student Organization. She’s making the most of her college experience now and developing both personally and professionally in a way I don’t think would have been possible if she hadn’t gotten more engaged on-campus.

What kinds of events do you think create the most connections?

This is a question that my university administration and alumni division ask me constantly. Tom hit the hammer on the nail, events that are FUN will always create the most connections. An event on resume building is necessary and benefits the students, but its lack of excitement means that few, it any, students will go. But a outdoor BBQ outside the Student Center will be packed. Events that are fun, that break from the norm, that are different will create the most connections. Socials, sports, recreational activities, music/dancing, community service projects and competition are avenues that will fit best.

Getting involved is a great way to meet people and have more fun! What fun things does your community do to welcome others and encourage them to get involved?

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