Highly Engaging Virtual Orientation Programs with Swift Kick

Highly Engaging Virtual Orientation Programs with Swift Kick

Raise your hand if you have no idea what the future holds!



Oh, sorry, I couldn’t keep typing because both my hands were raised. If you’re like me, your heart has been beating extra fast because you really can’t process the sheer uncertainty of the next few weeks, months, or even the next year. And if you’re supposed to be planning orientation for your new students…yipe!

We are just as nervous and disappointed as you are about this whole COVID-19 crisis. But, like you, we must keep moving forward.

We got to work to create an amazing Virtual Orientation Program so that your new students can still feel energized, hopeful, and engaged as they start their journey at your school.

We can’t control what happens in life, but we CAN do the one thing we know best: creating top quality, highly engaging programs that will ultimately lead to increased connection, retention, and dare we say, positivity.

So if you’re considering making the switch to a virtual orientation, take a look at our Virtual Orientation Program. We think we have created something special.

virtual orientation program

Here’s to making the most of the bad times, because that’s what the human spirit does.

Interested? Contact us for more information and to lock in your date!

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